The showcase site is perfect for the freelancer or entrepreneur who wants to show up online but don't have time to update the site
Today all companies have to rely on a website and a showcase site to show up online and always find new customers to offer products and services to. In particular, smaller companies can get major benefits from the showcase site, let's see what it is.
What is meant by a showcase site?
Il showcase site is a site with a few pages or just the Homepage, which does not need to be constantly updated. On average, these are sites that contain 3-6 pages and in which the news or blog section is not always present, but which limit themselves to describing the company and its business, products and services and containing map and contact details in addition to the photo gallery.
The showcase site will never contain an ecommerce or other dynamic elements and is certainly the simplest type of website among those achievable by the web agency.
A who is the showcase site suitable for?
The showcase site is perfect for the freelancer or entrepreneur who wants to show up online, but does not have time to update the site and is aware of the potential of web marketing to find new customers.
It is no coincidence that those who take their first steps online choose the showcase site, which is then possible expand and evolve based on changing business needs first of all, the inclusion of a blog or a shop section for online sales.
What are the advantages of the showcase site?
The entrepreneur who chooses a showcase site can count on a whole series of benefits, among which we remember:
- Minimum investment cost;
- Choice of a basic hosting with negligible annual cost;
- Wide online visibility also thanks to Google geolocation and the Google My Business card linked to the website;
- Possibility for customers to get in touch with the company and for the company to always find new customers.
Entrust to one web agency Rome la creation of a showcase site increases the prestige of the company and leads to the creation of a relationship of trust with users. Not only.
Experts from web site creation Rome they recommend choosing the showcase site if you want to create a project that expands over time with new content. In this way the positioning on search engines is facilitated, it allows the customer to find services and products and the company find customers thanks to SEO. Finally, the showcase site is the ideal platform to launch promotions and offers for users.
This is why the number of companies that entrust developers, web developers and programmers with the creation of showcase sites is increasing day by day, since it is important to rely on an expert to obtain concrete results. The good website is characterized by a quality traffic flow and the possibility of always finding new customers, but above all it is a simple, functional and fast site, designed to please both users and search engines.