From the studio that brought a saga like The Witcher to the gaming platforms, one could not but expect a minimum component of romance within Cyberpunk 2077.
It must be said that the possibilities are not many and that they are also linked to certain choices made during the creation of the character. In fact, within the title it will be possible to intertwine stable love stories with only four characters, two for the male sex and two for the female one.
Let's see them together in this one Cyberpunk 2077 romantic relationship guide.
The following article contains spoilers regarding the main story Cyberpunk 2077. Continue at your own risk
Sentimental relationships for V with a female body

If you have chosen one V with female body, you will have the opportunity to establish relationships with two game characters (even simultaneously): Judy Alvarez (female tone of voice is also needed) e River Ward.
Judy Alvarez
Judy is one of the first romantic occasions you can encounter during your game.
To unlock the possibility of having a relationship with her, you will have to first follow the main quest about Evelyn, the one that will take you to the end of Act 1.
Once this is done, you will also have to complete the secondary missions entrusted to Judy that will follow, starting from the Ex-Factor quest, for which you will have to help her and the Mox to conquer the Clouds.
The mission that will make the difference, however, will be Pyramid Song. During this assignment you will have the opportunity to "step forward" and spend the night with Judy. The next morning the girl will ask you what that experience meant for you. Here you can choose to start a stable relationship with Judy or dismiss it as a one night stand.

River Ward
To start the storyline involving River, you'll need to start the side quest I Fought The Law.
After completing this assignment, the character will show up after some time, asking you to help him with the disappearance of a family member.
Once this is done, he will call you to invite you to dinner. This is an opportunity to make your "move".
Just like with Judy, the next morning she will ask you if you are going to make it serious or to let it go.
Sentimental relationships for V with a male body

If your choice fell on a V with male body, for you two stories await you (also in this case, intertwined simultaneously): those with Kerry Eurodyne (also need the male tone of voice) e Panam palmer.
Kerry Eurodyne
Kerry is a character who can be met by following the storyline between Johnny and Rogue in 2077. After several missions, a call will come. Boats Drinks. Here you will be able to start a relationship with Kerry.
Panam palmer
Panam Palmer is another character that is quite easy to meet, as he will be your main help in the missions dedicated to Anders Hellman, the creator of the Relic you have in your head.
Here too, you will have to overcome the obstacle of the main missions and get to the secondary ones to start sparking the spark between you and Panam. During these quests you will have the opportunity to step forward on several occasions, although she will push you back most of the time.
In the mission Queen of the highwayHowever, Panam will let go, even if you don't have a real stable relationship with her.
Different relationships, different endings
All the sentimental situations that we have illustrated will lead to some variations in the end of the game.
One night's adventures

Not only stable relationships that will have a bearing on the ending: Cyberpunk 2077 also delivers one night stand adventures.
One of these is the one with Meredith stout. To unlock this possibility you will first have to contact her during one of the first missions entrusted to Dexter DeShawn (the one in which you have to recover the Flathead from the Maelstrom).
If you deliver the shard with the money, without hacking it or disclosing the scam to the gang, sometime after the mission, Meredith will call you and ask you to join her at the No-Tell Motel.
Other adventures are those with the Joy toy of the red light districts of the city, but, in any case, you will not be able to establish stable relationships with these characters.
This was ours Cyberpunk 2077 romantic relationship guide. We hope it will be useful to you.
Let us know in the comments what choices you made (by reporting the spoiler if necessary).

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Exit date: December 10 2020