New professionals are the digital workers. In continuous growth and which have given rise to a real working phenomenon that has exploded since the pandemic
Digital Workers, literally translated into Spanish, it means “digital workers”. These new professionals today are constantly growing and have given rise to a real working phenomenon that has exploded since the pandemic. Digital workers or digital workers are mostly freelancers who work in a "nomadic" form, ie from any workstation with an Internet connection.
This is why they are also defined as digital nomads since they only need a connected computer to be able to work freely for both companies and private clients. This difference is subtle but very important because it frames the digital worker in freelance or freelance where the former is a worker at the service of companies and organizations.
On the other hand, the freelancer is mostly a consultant or an expert who works for his own clients such as the accountant, the dentist and so on. In any case, this "new" working condition has given rise to the phenomenon of online freelancing which in turn has brought a series of very interesting innovations to the labor market. Let's see what they are.
I marketplace per freelance
One of the biggest news related to digital workers is that of the birth of job exchange platforms where i freelance they find new customers while the latter can freely choose who to rely on by evaluating prices, reviews and work. In practice they are innovative marketplaces in which i freelance they offer their work on the web and take care of their authority through the platform.
Actually the toughest aspect for a digital worker it is precisely that of the search for new customers, an activity that today is facilitated by these platforms created to bring together supply and demand in a brilliant and effective way with maximum decision-making and growth autonomy.
These marketplaces mostly offer job performance related to the web, or specialists in the design of graphics, websites and content for websites and social channels. It is no coincidence that digital workers are mainly workers belonging to the branch of web marketing, a sector that, more than all, allows to establish collaborations even at a distance.
Smart and remote work
I digital workers have been working in smart mode since before the pandemic. After the health crisis, employees have also learned to exploit this way of working although it is a little different from that commonly defined as "smart".
In fact, the ability to perform the same tasks as the workstation from home is not smart but "remotely". On the contrary, a “smart” occupation is that which, facilitated by the digitization of tasks, allows to optimize work flows even at a distance.
Smart work, therefore, takes advantage of innovation and digitalization to reduce management workloads and focus on areas strategic and growth. Consequently, even companies that adopt management software and work optimization tools can be defined as smart.
Tax framework
Il boom in VAT numbers it began with the entry into force of the subsidized regime, a cornerstone of taxation that allowed many people to set up their own business. The phenomenon was explained as a consequence of the crisis in employee work, or rather the lack of stable jobs replaced by precarious work and forms of "liquid" fixed-term work.
That is why in the absence of alternatives people have found when opening the VAT number a more difficult but also more satisfying job outlet than occasional jobs. Subsequently, the pandemic also affected the labor market where the difficulty of balancing private and working life led people to seek better working conditions.
That is why they have begun to pay attention to self-employment and the opening of the VAT number. This, however, caused a dizzying decline in VAT numbers under the ordinary regime because, as he points out ISTAT together with the Censis Report, the average per capita earnings decreased by a quarter compared to the 2011-2015 period.
Digital nomadism
The factor that most distinguishes the category of digital workers is the possibility of traveling and not always having to work in the same place. Thanks to the development of increasingly powerful and performing network infrastructures and European and State investments aimed at bridging the digital divide, in fact, the internet is now present throughout the country except for a few rural areas.
This allowed digital workers to experiment more flexible forms of work and to move around the country or abroad while maintaining their working collaborations.