The training manuals are among the collectibles present in the new The Last of Us Part II, and are used to expand the skills of the protagonists during the game.

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The Last of Us Part 2 between politics and reviews
As well as other types of objects, they can be found in specific locations on the map. Reading them will open up a kind of new "skill tree“, Whose abilities can be unlocked via supplements, which are found scattered around the map, particularly in the bathrooms and near the sinks.
Below I will tell you where to find each of these manuals, with their locations and respective chapters where to find them. We advise you to catch them all in the same game, as they are required to get platinum in the game (you will need to unlock all the characters' abilities).
For a full plot summary of The Last of Us Part 2, the videogame incorrect rece of {marca_origen} is online.
Training Manual: Creation
This manual can be unlocked during the chapter "Seattle Day 1: Downtown". In the area to the right of Seattle's 6th Avenue, you have to climb the dilapidated bridge via a destroyed overpass.
Once there, you have to get on the nearby military truck, climb up and pass the roof to a fire truck on the bridge. There, take the fire hose and throw it off the bridge, towards a stretch of highway where there is an overturned truck.
Right inside this car you will find the manual you are looking for, which will unlock the skill tree "Creation".
Alternatively, you can find the same manual (if you didn't find it in this location, in the Courthouse which is located at the intersection of 6th Avenue and Madison Street.
Inside, going down the stairs you will find various items and a safe, as described in our guide to safes. On a shelf you will find the same manual.
Training Manual: Stealth
During the chapter "Seattle - Day 1: Capitol Hill“After escaping elementary school with Ellie, you will find yourself in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle.
Here you will find a gas station (where you can find a workbench, useful for collectibles) and across the street will be a bookshop. Inside it, next to the cash register, will be the manual you are looking for.
This will allow you to unlock the skill tree "Stealth“, Linked precisely to the stealth mechanics of the game.
Training Manual: Accuracy
Also during "Seattle - Day 2", but this time during the episode "Hillcrest", when you have to go to Tommy in Hillcrest, in fact, you should come across a bike shop (there is also a workbench here).
On the other side of the street, you will find the shop "Goldstar Liquor". Enter and go down to the cellar. Here they will be waiting for you two shamblers, so be careful to kill them and exit from where you see the light to enter another building.
Here, on the ground and near the cash register you will find the manual that will unlock the skill tree "Precision".
Training Manual: Explosives
You can find it during the chapter "Seattle - Day 2: The Seraphites". At some point you will find yourself in an apartment building. Here you can find collectibles, a workbench and a safe, but not only.
In the same apartment where you will find the workbench you will also find the manual you are looking for, more precisely in the bedroom, on the bed itself. By reading it, you will unlock the skill tree for creation of explosives.
From here on there will be spoiler for the end of the game and the last parts of the story, so be careful if you haven't finished it yet!
Training Manual: Undercover
During the second part of the game we will be given control of Abby, who will be the one we will need to collect the next manual. During the episode "Seattle - Day 1: On foot”You will have to get on a boat hanging from the ceiling using a ladder.
If you pay attention, you can find a new manual right inside this boat. This will unlock the abilities ablero "Undercover“, Useful for stealth phases with Abby.
Training Manual: Close Combat
Like the “Creation” training manual, this one can also be found in two different locations in the same chapter, “Seattle - Day 2: Hostile Territory”.
The first is located near a building, at the beginning of the chapter, with the inscription "Tang Fabrics & Imports". Instead of going inside, look for a nearby apartment that you can climb into.
Inside, in addition to finding an artifact, you will also find (in the kitchen) the manual for "Close Combat".
The second option is instead, when Abby finds herself in an alley with several Seattle shops and restaurants, to enter the Jasmine Bakery. Inside you will find a safe, which you can open using the code found in the Ruby Dragon restaurant nearby (and which is 68 96 89, for the lazy).
Here too, in case you haven't found it in the previous area, you will find the manual for "Close Combat", which will unlock various skills for the hand to hand combat by Abby.
Training Manual: Firearms
In the chapter "Seattle - Day 1: The Forest" Abby will arrive at a car shop in the aforementioned forest. Entering the garage you will find a workbench and an artifact, and, in an office to the right you will find what you are looking for.
In fact, you will find the manual "Weapons“, Which will unlock the respective skill tree for Abby and allow you to improve your firepower.
Training Manual: Armaments
In one of the final parts of "Seattle - Day 1", that is "The Coast", you have to get on a wrecked ship. On its second floor, you will find the code to open a safe (90 77 01) and another artifact.
Go back to the first floor, and to the left you will find the safe whose code you found. Open it, and inside you will find the latest manual of the game, "Armaments", which will unlock the last of the remaining skill trees.
You won't be able to upgrade them all in one game, though, as you'll need them well 1900 points to cover all abilities, so if you want to complete them all, you'll have to start a New Game +, which we advise you to do in case you want to try to get platinum.