In the age of the Internet, there are several possibilities for those who want to earn 200 euros a month from the comfort of their home
Whether it is work related to the world of business, to that of finance or in any case a freelance job that allows you to put your skills to use or even something that does not require special skills.
In any case, the fundamental "ingredients" to reach a certain monthly income, in this case 200 euros, are consistency and motivation.
Although for many such a figure may seem modest, it should nevertheless be borne in mind that such income certainly cannot replace a salary but can still be of help to cover small family expenses or to meet other valid needs.
A good network connection is enough to earn 200 euros per month
But what does it take to earn 200 euros? In reality, all you need to have to start working and getting money consistently is a simple internet connection and a good PC.
So, if you intend to make 200 euros every month, you will have to make a small investment whose return will be truly immediate. Search among the offers to get a good internet connection and find the best one for your needs. You should already have it at home, otherwise you would hardly be able to read this article from a PC. However, you might consider changing it precisely because of your new business.
As mentioned, you should also consider buying a computer that performs well and does not crash when you do the smallest, most complex activity. Again, find the right time to make this technological purchase and think about a small investment.
Earn 200 euros a month with paid surveys
For example, to earn 200 euros a month quickly and easily, you can sign up for online sites that allow you to receive money by filling out paid surveys.
In fact, there are numerous platforms through which you can participate in market surveys consisting of simple questions that can be answered in a short time. By filling in 4 or 5 questionnaires it is possible to reach an average of 6 euros per day, provided that these platforms guarantee a certain daily frequency in the formulation of new surveys.
There are numerous companies interested in collecting customer opinions about the products and services offered and just as many are willing to pay them based on their opinions.
In fact, the same companies use all this information in order to improve and further develop their business.
Negative opinions are also accepted as they do not compromise remuneration in any way.
Once you have answered some surveys, users can withdraw their earnings through the payment method they prefer (Paypal or discount coupon).
It should be borne in mind that in order to avoid any scams that can be encountered in the choice of the site, no platform that works legally requires credit cards or tax payments for the collection of the earnings obtained. This is why it is important to rely on panels from paid surveys serious and confident.
Make 200 euros working as a Copywriter
Another job that can bring a lot of satisfaction is that of the copywriter. In essence, it is a figure that deals with producing content in written form and with the dissemination of social media, drafting persuasive texts for users such as posts and stories.
The profession of copywriter can then open the way to various professional outlets in those companies that are looking for a writer to work on their behalf: newspapers or web communication agencies.
In this context, precise basic skills are required that are not limited to the simple knowledge of Spanish and the ability to create creative content.
In reality, knowledge of general culture is also needed for which it is necessary to refer to authoritative sources, especially if you intend to further investigate certain topics.
It is also necessary to be able to adapt one's register from colloquial to informal according to the target audience; use a concise and effective language that involves and strikes the user.
But above all, to get 200 euros a month, the copywriter must know how to adapt his contents so that they are positioned among the most sought after on Google. Therefore, it is also necessary to be an expert in the rules of EES.
The term SEO refers to all those activities aimed at improving a website consisting of a series of strategies that aim to direct organic traffic from search engines to the page created, so as to get them more views.
To correctly write a text, the copywriter must explain and inform the reader by sparking interest, through a persuasive style.
For those who are new to the trade, there are special online courses created by professionals on the subject.
Open a Youtube channel
Another way to make money is to open a YouTube channel.
As in any business, you need skills, time available and passion. To start earning with your channel, it must reach at least 1000 subscribers, secondly this will also depend on the level of user interaction, the methods used to earn and what type of market the channel should target.
Your marketing strategy must be aimed at a well-defined niche by targeting the needs of a specific audience.
The niche more precisely indicates a specific topic or set of related topics that users are interested in spending money on. It is also important to reach at least 4000 hours of views over 12 months and above all strictly adhere to the copyright and the rules of the portal.
To increase revenue, however, it is necessary to focus on the quality of the content: in fact, by doing so it will be possible to create numerous collaborations even outside the platform. Furthermore, you must allow third parties to use your content and finance the project through crowdfunding, that is, a bottom-up financing that takes advantage of the help and support of several people.
The only downside is that you will have to work hard several months without seeing a euro before you get a "fixed" income of 200 euros per month
Earn 200 € with affiliate marketing
Now let's see how to earn 200 euros a month with affiliations. Affiliate marketing is the promotion by an affiliate of a product created by a vendor from whom he receives a commission on sales in return.
The main advantage of this type of marketing is that the seller does not have to worry about the promotion of the product and therefore does not have to advance money since the affiliate will receive his share only after the sale.
Earning with affiliations therefore means selling something on behalf of third parties and receiving compensation in proportion to the price of what is sold. The most effective and profitable method is the Money blog that is a website that promotes products of a specific niche: for example, if the topic concerns a breed of cats, the reference articles will review products for that breed with the related affiliate links. One of the best known affiliate programs is that of Amazon.
Selling infoproducts
A further opportunity is represented by infomarketing (infoproduct).
The info product is an article intended for web sale in digital format (ebook, online video, MP3 audio, PDF maps).
Such products can be for example online courses on how to solve a practical problem.
First of all, you need to create the item to sell, then create a sales page and use PayPal as a payment method that allows you to be paid in advance; the customer will thus be able to download the digital product once paid.
If you intend to earn 200 euros a month seriously, it is necessary to focus on sectors for which people are willing to pay, thus leaving aside topics of dubious interest for the target audience.
For example, assuming we sell an ebook for 10 euros, we will have to sell twenty a month to reach our figure.
In conclusion, there are the most varied methods to make money online: you just need to find the one that best suits your skills and needs.
Get more than € 200 per month by trading
Have you ever heard of online trading? If you plan on earning income every month with minimal effort, this is one of the best alternatives you may want to consider. Just get it right with the right investment.
But how does it work? Obviously, the earnings per month are dictated by the volume of investment you intend to dedicate to this activity.
Let's do a simple calculation. Let's consider that the asset you invested in makes 2% in a month. By investing € 100, you would get € 2; investing 1000 € you would get 20 €; investing € 10.000 you would get € 200.
Of course, not everyone has the willingness to invest € 10.000. This is why it is important to use this earning method daily to earn small amounts of money and then be able to add them up at the end of the month.
With online trading, making € 200 a month is absolutely within everyone's reach even by investing a small amount of money. The important thing is to always invest what you can afford to lose.
Making money with dropshipping
Dropshipping is another business method that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With dropshipping, your task is to act as an intermediary between those who have the product in stock and those who want to buy it.
In fact, the advantage of this type of business is that all you have to do is create an ecommerce website, upload products from another portal (for example, Aliexpress) and start advertising your project on channels such as Google or Facebook and Instagram. . The company to which you sent the order you received will take care of the shipping and packaging. You will get the profit between the price you have set and that of the supplier.
Earning 200 euros a month with dropshipping is possible. Indeed, it is only the beginning. However, it's definitely an option available to you that needs an investment in advertising unless you're good enough to create an audience to communicate to from scratch.
Earn 200 euros a month by selling your shots
Have you ever thought about making money with your shots? If photography is your passion and you spend your days taking pictures with your car or smartphone, we have good news for you: you can make the most of your skills.
In fact, there are online platforms such as Shutterstock that allow web users to sell their photographs and shots to other users who visit the portal daily.
You must know that Shutterstock is nothing more than a website that collects millions of photos and multimedia contents. These are made available for a fee to those who surf the web. That's why by uploading your shots and registering as a "professional", you can earn from your works by selling them to users who are potentially interested in your works.
We are sure that at the end of this guide you have understood that earning 200 euros a month is really possible.
There are tons of ways to do this. Some intercept your passions, such as selling the shots you make, others require an initial investment as for trading.
In any case, whatever the earning method, our advice is not to be disheartened if you fail to make 200 euros in the first month.
As with any industry, you will need some time to consistently get a sum of money that may even increase over time.
Think, for example, of an affiliate blog or a YouTube channel that need to be tested over time to increase their performance!