Sharing professional information with other people is sometimes complicated. Especially when the rhythms increase and the pressure is felt, it can become difficult to make yourself understood and make sure that everyone understands what needs to be done.
Those at the head of a commercial activity do not always have the time to be precise in communication. In the highlights of a project and during difficult times, anything can happen. Sometimes it is the employees who do not understand or do not want to carry out the commands that come from the managers, while other times it is the management that works poorly from the point of view of communication.
Often, there is too much information piling up and so many things to do in the shortest time possible. This is true in the case of company presentations or during industry events, in daily meetings, when drafting informational articles and in private communication.
In all these cases it is good for every professional to know how to eliminate or minimize misunderstandings, skim information and data as needed, avoid losing pieces of information and time, so as to be able to concentrate on achieving company objectives.
In fact, filtering information can mean several things based on context and content.
Personal and professional filters
You may be the clearest, most eloquent and pleasant of communicators and not be understood.
Why on earth could someone who speaks and explains things well be misunderstood?
Everything we say, do and don't say and do communicates something. Even our body movements communicate something to those who know how to interpret them.
All of this means that each person has filters and that they change the way they perceive what is being said to them.
A good communicator must understand how and when to communicate a message, modifying it according to the type of person or group of people who will have to listen to it.
In the professional field, it can mean not being too incisive in distributing a task to those who will have to perform it for the first time, even if they know the methods to complete it.
You can't be too hard on someone who has only joined your team for a few weeks.
And if you think a professional shouldn't have filters, well then remember that a professional is still a human being.
Are you preparing a presentation for a specific audience?
You may need to omit some information, words or terms from your presentation.
You may find yourself in the position of having to remove PDF pages from the document you have prepared.
If you need to remove or extract PDF pages, you can do it using Adobe Acrobat online in the safest, fastest and easiest way possible.
What could it be for?
You may have a previously used presentation ready and want to readjust it for the new occasion.
When there is too much information, the less important ones must be put aside.
Distribute the tasks
Think carefully.
Some of the information you think you need to communicate you may be delegating to someone else.
In this case, you just need to figure out which person has the ideal role for each specific kind of information.
Filtering information also means being able to distribute it on various levels, so as not to lose pieces and give everyone the right weight, assigning a person to communicate them in an appropriate way.
Sum up
The summary is a very useful school exercise.
It helps from an early age to minimize the amount of information in order to make the most of it, helping the mind to memorize and use it more easily.
When you get directions to do directly or need to distribute, summing up in a nutshell is the best way to make everything easier to understand.
There are tools that can be used online that deal with summarizing the text typed in the specific section. One of these is called Resoomer and is intended to help minimize anything within a text that is not useful for its understanding.
The summary is one of the most powerful information filtering tools that can be used, both in private and professional life.
Focus the lens
What is the ultimate purpose of the communication?
By focusing on what you want to achieve by communicating the information, it becomes easier to achieve the main purpose.
To effectively filter information, it is necessary to maintain a certain enthusiasm when communicating and, at the same time, communicate with the management's goal in mind.
Separating emotions from information is a very effective filtering technique.
Sometimes transferring information from top management to other teams is difficult.
You can feel tension and anxiety due to the possibility of error, but you also have to observe things carefully.
In general, it is always good to refrain from commenting on the information or message to be communicated, limiting yourself to finding the best way and time for communication.