Video consoles have been around for a long time, they have been of great help, as a means of distraction and a form of entertainment. In the beginning, video consoles were only for children, in which very simple games could be played.
By now the games were very simple and the interface was very slow, little by little this was changing and evolving more and more. More advanced games were designed over the years, featuring more complex interfaces and gameplay.
This has led to console manufacturers being forced to create more advanced equipment with better capabilities. In these computers you can play in a very practical way, as they offer tools that make the experience much better. You can also download apps
What can I do with voice commands on PlayStation 4?
One of the most used consoles in the world to play video games, is PlayStation, this was developed by the Sony company. The first version of these consoles was released in 1994.
Since its inception, PlayStation has revolutionized the world of video games, introducing features and tools never seen before. Sony's implementation in the world of video games has led other companies to do the same, thus increasing the competition.
This led to a race to which companies offered the most advanced consoles, thus winning the most users. PlayStation, was characterized by being in the development and innovation stage of the singer.
From time to time it offers new ones updates to its video consoles, each time better and with more advanced features. One of its latest updates is the PlayStation 4.
Currently PlayStation 4 is one of the most used consoles in the world, you can create and verify a PlayStation Network account. It has over 90 million monthly users. This is a truly surprising number, which means that more and more people are playing video games like Fortnite.
Previously, it was only children and young people who played this type of games, but currently a whole has been created community called Gamers. The PlayStation 4 offers very advanced updates, which is good to know in depth.
One of the features that most characterize in this console are the voice commands, in previous versions these commands were also available. But on PlayStation 4 the functionality of the voice commands is very good.
In this article we will learn in an easy and simple way how it works and how we can best use voice commands on PlayStation 4.
Steps to use voice commands on PlayStation 4
PlayStation voice commands work to be able to give commands in the form of words, which are processed by the PlayStation system and perform the specific action. This is thanks to the advanced functions that the company has implemented in order to provide a better experience to its users.
To use this function in our console, the procedure is very simple, for this we must follow the following steps. First we turn on our PlayStation 4 and we are in main menu.
Once we're in the main PlayStation menu, let's go to the bottom left corner where it says "Options". After a while, we can observe how the information we observed there changes.
The information we will display will be, "To start using voice, say (PlayStation)", this means we have to say PlayStation to activate the voice command. Now, we have to say PlayStation, we will immediately hear an activation sound.
At the bottom left, we can see that it tells us that in order to select a game we have to say the name of the game. If this is the command we want to use, we need to say the name of the game we want to select.
The waiting time for the PlayStation voice command is very slow, so we have to say the commands quickly, before it takes us out.
Finally, we hope this article has helped you. However, we would like to hear from you.Do you know other functions of the PlayStation 4? Were you able to use voice commands on PlayStation 4? Leave us your answers in the comments.
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