Cheat, don't cheat, there's no trying: straight from the dark side, here are all the codes for LEGO Star Wars the Skywalker Saga
If you mean the Sith cheat, i codes per LEGO Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga found here. The most seasoned veterans among you will remember the good old days, when a hidden feature was actually within reach of an abstruse password. This tradition has been lost a bit over time, between the need for external peripherals for insertion and, with the advent of paid online services, the backup of saving data linked to subscriptions. This bureaucracy, however, goes a little badly with a title so full of content, and it is evident that TT Games she has not forgotten about it.
Early Christmas - codes for LEGO Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga
It takes a little preamble to describe the first part of the codes: years before a LEGO animated special namesake put him to the saloon, the Star Wars saga was tainted with a shame well known to the most cultured fans of the Skywalker family. Some of these characters in fact refer to the infamous "Christmas Special", in which the Galaxy celebrates the "day of life". George Lucas has since promised himself to personally dispose of any copies of the special he could get his hands on. They got out of it great skins, however, there is really to be recognized.
- LIFEDAY - GNK Droid (Christmas variant)
- wookiee - Chewbacca (Christmas variant)
- TIPYIPS - DO Droid (Christmas variant)
- CORDOKU - Poe Dameron (Christmas variant)
- WROSHYR - Darth Vader (Christmas variant)
- C3PHOHO - C-3PO (Christmas variant)
Villains and the like - codes for LEGO Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga
You may have noticed that we called Dart Vader by his English name: since this LEGO Star Wars kept Darth Vader, we thought we would give the same treatment to the other characters in the saga (including another Skywalker, among the latest codes). This second handful of tricks will help you to get not only characters, but also and above all vehicles. To enter them, you will have to go to theHoloprojector by pressing ↑ on the D-pad. Under Extra, you will find the screen for entering the codes… such as, for example, those below.
- SIDIOUS – Emperor Palpatine
- 3FCPPVX – Grand Moff Tarkin
- Z55T8CQ – Poggle the lesser
- WBFE4GO – Nate Gunray
- GR2VBXF – Ratts Tyerell
- ARVALA7 – Razor Crest (nave in Mandalorian)
Me, mammeta and Tatooine - codes for LEGO Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga
So let's conclude this section of our short code guide. Unfortunately, whether due to the pandemic or all the flaws that derive from it, the game has suffered multiple delays. Which is a shame, considering that (similar to Yu-Gi-Oh!) We should have found these codes in the sets released two years ago. Anyway, that's okay: you can insert them even in the more traditional break menu, selecting the item “insert code”. Also because only in this way will you be able to access the other Skywalker we were talking about: none other than Shmi, Anakin's mother, with the code T9LM1QF! And we still have six to share ...
- SHUTTLE - Galaxy's Edge (Resistance transport ship)
- OKV7TLR - Dengar (bounty hunter)
- XV4WND9 – Admiral Holdo
- KH7P320 - Aayla Secura
- skysaga – Temmin/Snap Wexley
- BAC1CKP – Mister Bones
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