La episodic nature of some recent videogame works may still not have convinced the most skeptical, frightened by the idea of having to wait for the continuation of a plot that, month after month, adds pieces to an intricate plot. If the boys of Telltale Games they managed to conquer everyone thanks to The Walking Dead and its mature and engaging story, thus guaranteeing a community of fans also for the following projects, the same cannot be said for Dontnod Entertainment with its Life is Strange. After a first and second episode very well done, we finally reached the halfway point with the third chapter. Chaos Theory, this is the title of the third chapter, could determine the actual quality of the work, convincing even the most hesitant to finally put their hand to this series. To find out if it is worth following Max's adventures once again, all you have to do is read our review.
Version tested: PlayStation 4
The Power of Love
Life is Strange will be able to involve and excite you once againIn this third act of Max's adventures some subplots will finally find a conclusion. After what happened in the second chapter, Max and Chloe decide to investigate the school to find out if the principal may be aware of any important elements that help them with their investigations. This will lead to new revelations which, in a whirlwind of emotions, will push the accelerator of events up to a totally unexpected ending and capable of surprising even the most demanding player. Once again the boys of Dontnod Entertainment they have succeeded in the enterprise of telling normal people in an abnormal context with extreme naturalness and sweetness. In the first part of this episode, in fact, the actual plot slows down slightly to leave room for characterization of the characters, making us even more passionate about our protagonist and the increasingly mysterious and indecipherable Chloe Price. In the second half of the title, on the other hand, events follow one another relentlessly, until the arrival of a completely unsettling final cliffhanger. The choices made in previous chapters not markedly affect the events of this episode, but substantially change the psychology of the characters, making them almost alive and able to adapt to a constantly changing world. If you still had doubts about the plot of Life is Strange now, after the middle of the series, you can seriously consider the idea of recovering this title which, narratively, will certainly amaze and conquer you from the very first bars of the game.
Mad Max
The gameplay of this episode does not differ from the previous onesIl gameplay of this third episode of Life is Strange it is obviously no different than the first two chapters. However, it must be admitted that, compared to the past, i collectibles are much more challenging and complex to find, making the episode very replayable and helping to increase the overall longevity of the title. Even the our temporal abilities will be used to the fullest, especially in the second half of the title where to overcome certain areas we will be forced to interact with different elements (objects and people) on the screen to be able to find a solution to our problems.
Photos from the Future
The scene set in the pool appears genuinely curated and inspiredTechnically the third chapter of Life is Strange it doesn't differ much from the first two. However, we highlight the presence of a scene set in a swimming pool where the atmosphere created by the play of lights and colors appears genuinely inspired, emotionally involving the player and helping to immerse him in the story. Very similar speech also for the sound compartment thanks to a always fascinating soundtrack and capable of distinguishing the emotions of the characters. It is not to be considered a real flaw, but we are a little sorry that in these last two episodes there were no traces of impact as in the first chapter, making the songs of Syd Matters still the top (sound level) of the production. . Good job, Once again, for the English dub that fascinates and that, thanks to a lexicon within everyone's reach, makes the title understandable even for non-English speakers. Finally, as always, we highlight the lack of a localization in Spanish and the presence of English subtitles.
Verdict 8.5 / 10 Hibernate me for 6 weeks! Now! Comment This third chapter of Life is Strange manages to surprise and conquer like the previous episodes, but offering a greater level of challenge (especially in the collection of photos) and a decidedly interesting ending. If you still haven't believed in the guys at Dontnod Entertainment, now is the time to do it. We are sure that you will find the adventures of Max and Chloe exciting and able to project yourself into a work with a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. Pros and cons ✓ Hypnotic and fascinating atmosphere
✓ Final impact cliffhanger
✓ Excellent use of temporal powers
✓ Hardest to find collectibles x Still slightly woody animations
x 6 weeks of waiting for the next episode