We return by arrogance - and with the pad in hand - in Middle-earth, but surprisingly, The Evil Within 2 also places itself very well. While bowing to the Mano de Dios of Fifa 18 ...
Last week we closed by predicting a good placement for The Shadow of War, the great newcomer of the last seven days, while for the sequel to the survival of Shinji Mikami (orphaned by Shinji Mikami among other things) we envisaged a more uphill road . We got it halfway right: Virtual Middle-earth is strong, and takes home three out of ten positions - one of which on the podium, for the silver medal. But on The Evil Within 2 we were wrong, and closed in our pessimism we did not expect this third place: a fairly important signal, in a period where the death of exclusively single player products is expected from many sides.
So the two debuts of this week are excellent: of course, neither of the two new competitors manages to unpin Fifa 18 from its throne, but realistically until October 27th, hardly anyone will be able to undermine EA's sports simulation. Petrol already finished instead for Forza Motorsport 7: after a debut with a modest eighth place, Microsoft racing predictably ends up out of the top 10. Inevitable, given that it is a Microsoft exclusive in a territory that is dominated by Sony (with occasional forays by Nintendo), and the giant American only the crumbs remain.

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It will be interesting to see in this regard how the Distinguished Competition of Gran Turismo will behave, which - if we have to hazard a prediction - we expect to find above the middle of the table, thanks to the comforting voices from England (where the launch was much happier than that of the sixth chapter, but less than that of the glorious GT5) and the decidedly pro-PlayStation audience that distinguishes our peninsula. It does not matter if at launch the reviews (including ours, updated a few hours ago by the way) did not indicate a numerical evaluation at the exit: for not suspicious times we believe that the criticism, in these cases, has a marginal impact compared to marketing - if we failed to save Okami, we could hardly ever condemn a brand that is still The Real Driving Simulator in the hearts of fans. An elegant Racing, for those who want to drive in an elegant way, quoting our Stefano.

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The other newcomer next week is more difficult to frame: Fire Emblem Warriors comes out on a healthy platform that has managed to generate enthusiasm even on authentic bets (see under Arms) and is part of a series that is undoubtedly on the rise. On the other hand we have seen that in the standings by now strong names are hardly counted anymore, among the aforementioned Fifa 18, the rookies of this week (we expect to see, at least for another 7 days, Mordor peep into the magnificent 10), Low-cost Nostalgia Operations for users like the usual N. Sane Trilogy and an increasingly schizophrenic Destiny 2, which continues to appear in the top 10 every other week. Difficult to say: indicatively let's say below the middle of the table, perhaps in seventh or eighth position. Sure never to get it right as usual.