One of the phenomena much appreciated by online users concerns streaming, or the possibility of enjoying audio and video content directly on their device
Technology has now taken over our society and more and more people decide to spend their time with their heads on their smartphones staring at the PC screen to entertain themselves or to work. Clearly it is the effects of the technological innovations of recent years that have given people greater well-being and comfort.
One of the phenomena much appreciated by online users concerns streaming, or the possibility of enjoying audio and video content directly on their device. There are many platforms that use this technology, as in the case of those dedicated to films, music, video games and recently also online casinos. The latter, after having launched the new welcome bonus, decided to expand the services by introducing the live dealer.
But how many types of streaming do we find? Especially where do we find them specifically? Let's try to answer!
On demand and live, the two types of streaming
When it comes to streaming, it's natural to get a little messy and throw the grass together. We specify that there are two types: On demand and live.
Online the word "streaming" for many acquires the meaning of "Direct" in any case, but in reality it is not really so. As we have:
- Streaming on demand, i.e. audio and video content that is stored on a server in the form of a file. Here the user can take advantage of the contents of his choice at any time for free or by signing up for a subscription. This is the case with Netflix or Amazon Prime Video for movies, Spotify and Amazon Music as a streaming app. The television networks have also equipped themselves for this technology, setting up streaming on demand in which to retrieve the episodes of the programs broadcast.
- Live Streaming, i.e. it is a live online broadcast. Certainly the process behind which it is generated is much more complex, but in many cases you can notice a slight delay between the content broadcast live and what is shown to users which is around 10 seconds. This live streaming service can be found on major platforms such as Twitch and YouTube, favorite platforms of content creators.
The areas where streaming is used
Having made the necessary clarification on the type of streaming existing online, let's now see in which areas it is used.
Live dealer
A type of live streaming that in the last period is becoming more and more popular concerns online casinos, especially live dealers. These specifically are nothing more than direct in which the player can interact during the game, trying to beat the other opponents. The characteristic lies in the fact that everything takes place live, with a person in flesh and blood to give the cards. They are very useful, as they can give a sense of reality to a world based entirely on digital.
Movies, TV series and music
Streaming, of course, is also found in all those entertainment services such as movies and music. The platforms that allow the user to have access to an immense catalog of content such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Spotify are very famous. These are only three, but we could name many others. Suffice it to say that you no longer need to download a movie or a song, now just access the service and search for what you want, everything is just a click away!