The price comparators represent a particular category of websites on which the prices applied by the different e-commerce are compared
The growing use of the web for the purchase of products of various kinds has led in recent years to the birth of special services of price comparison, ie portals on which it is possible to quickly and practically view a comparison of the prices applied for the same product by the various e-commerce sites. But which are the ones to save immediately in your favorites?
How price comparators work
I price comparators represent a particular category of websites on which the prices applied by the different e-commerce are compared: in practice, the user who is looking for an item to buy can quickly find the best offer here, taking into account not only the price of the product but also of any shipping costs and other items that may affect the total cost. This is a service that is increasingly appreciated by web surfers who, now used to shopping in a digital version, are able, thanks to the help of these sites, to sometimes save very interesting figures.
I comparator sites have found fertile ground in many areas, from that of energy services, where for example portals such as Switcho and Facile.com allow you to identify the best offers for electricity, gas and telephony, up to the world of online entertainment and above all games. In fact, there are portals entirely dedicated to the proposals of iGaming operators and the best casinos in Spain, on which fans of slot machine, roulette and other entertainment they can have at hand a detailed picture of the different proposals.
By browsing these sites, those who are looking for solutions to play at the online casino have the opportunity to discover the latest games published and the welcome bonus offers in addition to many other features such as the payment methods accepted and the type of assistance provided. This has allowed lovers of this world to have an important reference with which to move in a particularly vast and constantly evolving sector, made up of daily innovations but also a lot of competition.
Obviously the price comparison it could only find fertile ground in the field of e-commerce and, therefore, of the sale of physical goods, as the experiences of some large operators demonstrate.
What are the comparison sites not to be missed
Whether it's clothing, electronics or household items, who's at the search for products to buy online can't help but pop into a price comparison site today. Sometimes, in fact, the search on Google returns to the first places the sites of the largest and most well-known companies, but not for this reason more convenient from an economic point of view for the consumer. Here is the usefulness of a comparator, which immediately, by entering the name of the product, shows us where to buy online at the best price.
If Google itself has implemented the Shopping service, which can be assimilated to a comparison site and therefore already meets the needs of the user from this point of view, there are other realities that sometimes allow you to find “hidden” offers in the vast jungle of the web. Trovaprezzo, for example, caters to an almost infinite number of customers, collecting the proposals of commercial operators on many product categories, from fashion to smartphones, through information technology, products for animals and children. Given the large number of online stores they rely on Find prices to showcase your products, the portal is undoubtedly one of the most interesting ever to visit before making purchases.
Similar how it works is Kelkoo, another historical price comparator which boasts millions of offers updated daily and from both major brands such as Apple and Euronics, as well as independent online stores. Very interesting is the section dedicated only to ethical and green products, which allows you to immediately skim commercial proposals based on this increasingly requested feature.
Finally, among the most famous comparison portals we find idealo, born in Germany but increasingly popular also in our country: like the previous ones, Idealo collects prices and opinions on a vast number of articles and online businesses affiliated with the service, thus guaranteeing the end user the most convenient and safe choice ever. .