There are currently 3 Apple Watch models available on the Apple Store, each aimed at a very specific audience. Which is the best Apple Watch to buy? Here is our guide
The arrival of the iPhone SE has certainly revolutionized the smartphone market, achieving great success among Android users who wanted to switch to iOS without spending too much and the same Apple users who wanted to update their old device without shelling out too high amounts, giving up some specifications. reserved for more expensive models.
The goal of the new Apple WatchSE, presented a few weeks ago by Apple, is just that: to propose a latest generation smartwatch to a low price, with a few less features than the top range of the moment.
Apple currently sells three Apple Watch models: the series 6 (with 439€), the SE (from 309 €) and the old one 3 series (from € 229). The choice is wide and sometimes complicated. We therefore thought of guide you purchase, according to yours budget and yours needs.
Display | Miglior Apple Watch
Apple Watch Series 3 is the smallest display model of the three. The model is available in 2 versions: one from 38 mm and one from 42. Apple Watch SE and Apple Watch Series 6 both have a 40 e 44 mm. Don't be fooled, all models have the same size. The only substantial difference is the frames, much wider on the 3 series.
The Series 6 is also the only one to boast a always-on display (always active, with reduced refresh rate when not used to preserve autonomy).
Materials and connectivity | Best Apple Watch
Apple Watch Series 3 and SE are only available in aluminum (silver, space gray and gold). On the other hand, with the 6 series, it is possible to purchase the variants in titanium e aluminum at a higher price than the base model in aluminum (of which new versions are also available bitchy e blu along with the classic silver, space gray and gold. The 3 series is instead the only one not to boast the possibility of 4G connection via E-SIM at an additional cost.
Features and sensors | Best Apple Watch
From this point of view the 3 series is the least equipped model, with which it is possible to monitor only the heartbeat. Comes with SE the fall detection and environmental noise. Apple Watch series 6 is instead the most complete and offers the possibility to perform theelectrocardiogram and monitor the level of oxygenation in the blood.
Hardware and software | Best Apple Watch
All models are upgradeable to the latest version of Watch 7. Series 3 is a lot though limited, both in terms of functions and as a customization of the dials, due to the smaller and older generation display. It is also unclear how long it will be updated yet: its scarce 8GB of internal memory compared to the 32 of SE and 6 series they could in fact close its updates starting next year. Substantial differences also regarding the processor. Series 3 is equipped with an older processor S3, dating back to 3 years ago. Apple Watch SE mounts the same instead S5 from last year's 5 series. Instead, the new latest generation processor based on A6 processors arrives on the 13 series (theS6). All models are waterproof up to 50 meters and IP68 certified.
Price and conclusions
Ultimately, what is the best Apple Watch model to buy? In most cases theApple Watch SE is the best solution for those who want to update their old device (series 1, 2, 3) or for those who want to buy their first Apple Watch. A valid alternative to this version could be the 5 series which today is used in the same price range (with the advantage of having thealways-on display and the possibility of doing ECG). Strongly discouraged the 3 series, too much old e limited from every point of view both hardware and software. The 6 series instead it is aimed at those who want to enjoy the complete Apple Watch experience with all the available functions and the best performing hardware in the industry or for those who want to buy the more expensive versions in aluminum or titanium.
For those who already have an Apple Watch, does it make sense to switch to one of these models? The only possible choice for Series 5 owners is Series 6, but we do not recommend upgrading unless it is deemed necessary to monitor oxygenation levels. The same goes for those who have a series 4 unless you want the always-on display. For all other users we recommend upgrading to SE and 6 Series depending on your budget and needs.

- With the GPS model you answer calls and messages from the watch

- With the GPS model you answer calls and messages from the watch