Let's find out in this guide which are the best PC controllers currently on the market, and which one to choose based on price and functionality
Mouse and keyboard aren't always suitable for every game and player, and a good controller is also important for PC gamers. Virtually every controller it is more or less officially compatible with the platform and the choice can be quite difficult. So let's see in this guide the best PC controllers for various price ranges, and which one to choose according to your needs.
Which controllers can be used on a PC?
As already written above, in one way or another it is possible to make practically any controller work on a PC, from the Dualshock 1 to the Wiimote, from the DualSense to the Joy-Con. The controllers that are officially supported by Windows, and which therefore work without any special procedure required on most games, are essentially the ones for Xbox 360 onwards, and several other controllers designated for Xbox One and Xbox Series X.
Steam however, over time it has added its support to many third-party controllers and various consoles, making them compatible with most of the games in its huge catalog. They can be used easily therefore for example DualSense (with support for touch bar and regulation of LED ), and Switch's Pro Controller. Compatibility can also be extended to games not from Steam, adding them to the program library. To do this, just click on “Add a game” at the bottom left of the main window, then on “Add a non-Steam game”, and finally select the desired game.
Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 - Best PC Controllers
Let's start immediately with what is hands down the best PC controller currently on the market, if you are not limited in your budget. The Elite controller Series 2 is in fact available for purchase at approx €180, prohibitive price for many, and more suitable for professional players. Even counting the price, the level of Customization offered by this controller is formidable, from the voltage level of the analogs, to the choice of D-Pads and the functions of all the various additional keys. Compared to the first series of Elite controllers, this model includes a carrying case that doubles as a charging base for the battery over 40 hours of the device.