If you are passionate about cars and video games, you cannot stay away from driving simulators. Obviously, every self-respecting simulator gives its best only if accompanied by a steering wheel capable of returning the best driving sensations. Let's discover the best racing wheels for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to buy
That you play ad Assetto Corsa , Project Cars 2 and Forza Motorsport it matters little. Of course, if you want the best of diving, you have to ditch your joypad and embrace the philosophy of the steering wheel! Obviously there are many of these on the market: there are steering wheels with or without gearbox, more and less "performing" steering wheels and obviously there are various price ranges.
In this ranking I will list the best solutions and best steering wheels to compete in a virtual way to the best of your ability! Obviously taking into account the price, this guide will in fact be divided by price ranges.
Best steering wheels? Several "situations" to consider before choosing
To get positive feedback and to fully enjoy your favorite driving simulator, you have to take into account several elements. There are flying with the system Force feedback, others that boast an H gearbox, some with the possibility of having the pedal board equipped with a clutch. Without neglecting the steering angle, which is always a fundamental element to take into consideration.
In short, there are PC steering wheels really for every taste and every pocket! It goes without saying that the more you go up with the price, the closer the feelings that are returned to reality. But even without spending astronomical sums, you can enjoy a good steering wheel on a PC.
A good simulation without pretensions but with huge savings | Best PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One steering wheels - 80/200 euro range

- Joysticks
Il Thrustmaster Ferrari F45 boasts a diameter of about 28 centimeters, with rubber coating to increase grip with your hands. 8 easily accessible action buttons and an 8-way D-pad in the shape of an “Engine Start” button. A steering angle of 2702 degrees and pedal set with long travel pedals, featuring realistic resistance and angle. It works on PC e Xbox.

- The first officially licensed Sony PS4 wheel; PS4, PS3 and PC compatible, 2 sequential gearshift levers on the steering wheel
Il Thrustmaster T80 it is without the entry level steering wheel par excellence. Even if modest in size and without Force Feedback, this wheel remains a valid choice for those who approach the world of simulators and do not want to spend a lot to get started. Surely it is one of the least performing models in the category but thanks to its locking system and the possibility of being able to use it also on your PlayStation 4 it could be a valid purchase (attention on PC can only be used on some simulators).