Would you like to make your home and your life a little smarter? Choose one of the best voice assistants for smartphones and home automation
- voice assistants are the protagonists of the technological evolution of recent years. These artificial intelligence and machine learning software first spread to smartphones, and then came to integrate with thousands of other devices, mainly those of smart home automation.
Thanks to their use it is possible to give commands or ask questions and receive the answer or the execution of the command. In this way it is possible, in addition to controlling your smartphone, command compatible household appliances with your voice as well.
Echo & Alexa by Amazon - Best Voice Assistants
Alexa and the voice assistant on all i smart devices produced by Amazon, but not only: at the moment it is the voice assistant that has the greatest compatibility even with third-party devices, such as Philips. This factor must be taken into consideration if you are planning to make your home smart.
Alexa is able to answer general questions and take actions, and is also fully integrated into the Amazon shopping ecosystem, allowing you to place orders, cancel them or track their status.
There are several devices produced by Amazon with integrated Alexa, among which we find several smart speaker e smart hub con display.