Cards have always been one of the favorite pastimes of the Spaniards, so much so that even with the passing of the years the situation has not changed at all in terms of the spread of games.
The advent of the Internet has not led Spanish players to put their cards aside, but, on the contrary, with the development of certain digital platforms, it has also facilitated their development. If before they could only be used against friends or relatives during moments of aggregation, now there is also the possibility of challenging artificial intelligence. If we think about the steps forward that have been made and that have yet to be made, given that our country is still behind others in Europe in terms of digitization, we discover that the cards over the centuries have changed radically compared to the past. remote.
The origins and evolution of playing cards
Unlike what one might think, the cards have very distant origins compared to the present day. The first evidence, in fact, dates back to the XNUMXth century in India and China. With the passage of time, the cards spread all over the world and began a process of evolution that has brought them to this day. Once they arrived on the European continent, in fact, their structure and appearance, thanks to the introduction of drawings that have greatly simplified their use, have radically changed. During the fifteenth century they began to depict European royal families and their vassals, while between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the first manuals appeared that had the aim of establishing the rules of card games. The indications of the value of the cards on the edges appeared only in the XNUMXth century.
Playing cards on the Net
As previously mentioned, despite the advent of the Internet, playing cards have not stood aside. Paradoxically, the use of cards from the physical point of view has been significantly reduced in favor of the digital one. To date, in fact, the user has the ability to access certain apps or certain game portals, challenge artificial intelligence and choose the most appropriate level of difficulty. In this regard, on the stores of our smartphones or tablets, we can find many apps that refer to the card game we play most often. An example is Scopa, which can also be played online through an electronic device and a simple Internet connection.
Moreover, today, thanks to the presence of 5G, accessibility is even greater as is the speed of web browsing. Another practical example is Burraco, which, like other games, has enjoyed the advent of online and has spread even more than before. In addition to apps, there are also many themed portals that perform the exact same function. Above all Goldbet Casino, which offers a rather updated section full of card games: from the Spanish classics, through Poker and Blackjack, up to "UNO". In short, the game has evolved so much that it allows users to play with a few clicks and interact with people from all over the world.
A further aspect, in fact, is that linked to social aggregation, which is essential in the life of every individual. If you are alone at home, just turn on an electronic device, access an app or a themed portal and find some challengers. Thanks to the Internet, in fact, it is now possible to reproduce the atmosphere of matches against real players in the various live modes. Not surprisingly, many sites organize events for which it is possible to spend a day of game and aggregation different from the usual.