How to open a video game and console franchise and why can it be profitable? Let's talk about!
Nowadays, the world of video games, even following the pandemic, has become one of the most popular entertainment methods. Thanks to streaming platforms and the growing number of influencers involved in gaming, more and more people are passionate about video games and the whole world around them.
Another element that has led video games to be at the top among entertainment systems is certainly the great development that has affected them console ed i pc da gaming, consoles in particular allow users to achieve truly optimal performance, at still affordable prices. The latest consoles of the most famous houses such as playstation and Xbox have reached a very high degree of technical avant-garde, in particular as regards the graphic interface which now guarantees a truly high-level gaming experience.
It is therefore understood that a huge slice of the market has developed around the video game sector, both with regard to the development phase of games and video game platforms, and with respect to the sale of the latter, not to mention the great resonance that today have obtained the testers of videogames.
Precisely by virtue of this strong increase in the economy against the gaming sector, the possibility of entering this type of market in order to make profits appears evident. One of the best ways to enter the video game market is to open a video game franchise, just think that practically 30% of Spaniards own at least one video game console, so you understand what the potential of the sector is.
But let's see together what it is and how to open a video game franchise.
What is franchising
Franchising spreads in Spain since 1970 and since then its numbers in our country have always been growing. In legal terms, franchising is a contract through which two independent subjects agree that one grants the other the availability to use industrial and intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, etc., upon payment of a fee.
In practice, anyone who opens a franchise store can take advantage of all the technical skills, products and services of the person named franchisor. The name of the franchise itself suggests what the relationship between the two parties is, translation is in fact a privilege, and a real privilege if we consider that the franchisee can benefit from various advantages through this type of contract.
The subjects who become part of the franchise agreement are the franchisor, i.e. the owner of the products and services, then the grantor and the franchisee, i.e. the franchisee. The relationships between the parties, therefore the obligations and rights, are established in the contract, generally the franchisor imposes minimum standards to which the franchisee must comply.
Why franchising can be profitable
After a brief review of what franchising is, let's see what are the advantages of stipulating this type of contract.
Benefits can be found on both sides of the contract, on the one hand the franchisor can extend his network, growing his brand and knowledge of his products and services, on the other hand the franchisee can use the brand awareness, know-how of the grantor, advertising and the entire network of the franchisor.
Opening a franchise store eliminates all the initial difficulties associated with opening a new business, for example the need to make yourself known to the public, the various advertising expenses, etc. Thanks to the use of franchising it is possible to use all the knowledge on the subject of the granting company, so it is easy to understand how franchising can be really advantageous.
Obviously, the reduction in costs associated with the opening of the business is countered by the payment of money that must be granted to the franchisor for the use of the brand, but this is an expense that certainly appears justified.
Is opening a video game and console franchise really convenient?
As previously stated, the gaming world has been growing strongly in recent years and the market share of reference is increasingly expanding, for this reason investing in the sector can be really profitable and can be an excellent opportunity especially for young people. that they are particularly linked to this world.
Some may consider the opening of a physical store not exactly so advantageous due to the presence of numerous online portals related to the world of video games. In fact the physical store still has great potential because, for example, many users for purchasing prefer to see products up close or want to live a type of shopping experience that only a physical store can offer.
Another factor to consider is the average age of the buyers, very often it is a very young user who does not always have the possibility to use a credit card for online purchases, consequently they will still need to shop at stores. physical.
Obviously it is essential to make company choices correctly, for example with regard to the positioning of the store, the management of internal spaces, the business plan and everything related to company management in general, in order to be able to guarantee the maximum possible income. .
What you must necessarily have in a video game store: used consoles
The gaming sector is now very vast and ranges from video games to all the necessary equipment for gamers, also passing through the various gadgets related to console brands or the world of video games.
Obviously in a video game store consoles cannot be missing, among the most requested there are of course the PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo consoles last generation.
To cover a large slice of the market there are undoubtedly used video game consoles, every self-respecting video game store must have some since, nowadays, there are many people who prefer to save money by buying a used console.
Obviously, these consoles must be fully functional and in excellent condition, so that the customer can be more inclined to purchase. The choice of second-hand equipment, in addition to allowing significant savings to the customer, also represents the most sustainable choice for the environment.