How to use Whatsapp with two different numbers on a dual SIM smartphone

How to use Whatsapp with two different numbers on a dual SIM smartphone

Do you have a Dual SIM smartphone and therefore with two different phone numbers, and do you want to use whatsapp on each of the two numbers? Here's how to do it.

Thanks to a dual sim smartphone you can have two numbers on your smartphone, but the official Whatsapp app allows you to use only one, and thus receive and send messages and video calls from that number.

Thanks to an app, you can use both numbers on Whatsapp and manage two different Whatsapps for each number.

Now we are going to explain how.

Use Whatsapp on dual SIM smartphones

To use Whatsapp for each marked number of your dual SIM smartphone, you will need to use the original app for one number and a third-party app for the second number. Now we are going to explain how to use Whatsapp with the second number.

This procedure is only valid for Android devices.

  • Download the app from PlayStore.
  • Open the app and accept the terms and conditions and move on to the next step.
  • Once on the app home screen select Add service and select Whatsapp.
  • Download Succeeded is displayed. Launch the downloaded application.
  • Select Whatsapp setup required to configure Whatsapp.
  • Enter the data of the second number you want to use on your dual SIM smartphone.
  • Verify the account with the SMS and phone number.
  • Now you can use two numbers on WhatsApp, one with DISA and the other with the official app.
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