Convert WhatsApp voice messages to text. You are unable to listen to the voice message but would like to know its content here are some apps that will allow you to convert the text and thus discover its content by reading it.
Convert WhatsApp voice messages to text best app
Speechless the most popular application to convert WhtasApp voice messages to text and is available for both Android that for iOS. You can download it from the following links:
- dal Play Store (Android)
- from App Store (iOS)
Once installed, go to WhatsApp and:
- tap and hold on the voice note you want to convert
- Select "Share" top right
- from the sharing menu that will open, select Speechless
- Once selected you may be asked to accept the license agreement and subsequently of select your language into which to convert the message.
- Speechless will start converting the voice message, after which you will be shown a preview of the message you can immediately copy by clicking on the "COPY" button or share with an app by clicking on "SHARE".
Speechless is an application you can download for free but the conversion is free for the first 20 seconds only of each message. For the full version, however, it will take approximately 2 €, not very much.
Audio to Text
Audio to Text it is completely free, with no conversion limit and available only for android.
once installed all you have to do is:
- select the message you want to convert
- touch the "Share"
- select Audio to Text i will start converting the audio note
- at the end a window with the message will appear
- To copy the text simply hold down on it, a pop-up will appear at the bottom telling you that the message was copied successfully.
Furthermore, by activating the tick “Start service” in the app, you can instantly convert any voice audio that you will listen to, without doing the sharing process described above every time.