How log into two facebook accounts at the same time on Android. You have two facebook profiles and would like to manage them simultaneously on your android device.
Well today you can receive notifications from both, respond to messages all at the same time without having to log out or log in to facebook to access from one profile to another.
How? be it's simpler than it seems it's a trick let's say why you'll be able to access multiple facebook accounts from your android smartphone or tablet.
You will surely be using the official facebook app on your device with the account you use the most.
If you haven't installed it yet, this is the link of the official Facebook app.
Well this will remain unchanged.
Log into multiple Facebook Android profiles
Now for the second account all you have to do is download the app facebook lite from play store .
This Facebook application is designed for low-end Android devices or, more generally, for all those who want to save the packet data of their Internet connection (the Facebook Lite application consumes less and is lighter in terms of performance. ).
But we will use it precisely to access the second Facebook account.
From here you can access message notifications and everything you normally do with Facebook using your second Facebook profile.
Simple, no, it's not complicated since it's just a trick if we want to call it that way.